One of my goals for this year is to do some more sensory play with JJ and Bee. (Sensory play encourages the use of various senses; to look, hear, smell, taste or touch while they play).
Sensory doughs are an excellent medium to explore the sense of touch. Some are oozy, some are crumbly, some are soft. And some explore other senses as well, like smell and taste.
I’ve tended to shy away from making our own dough at home for too long now: I feared the mess; I feared the prep work; I feared that the effort will be greater than the reward. But after seeing how much JJ and Bee liked the Play Snow last month, I’ve decided to put fears aside and let the kids get messy!
And so it was extremely timely when my friend Dayna from Lemon Lime Adventures put out a 12 Months of Sensory Dough challenge. Yup, I’m in!
Want to play too? Well, the idea is to make a different type of sensory dough each month, starting with Foam Dough for January, Cloud Dough for February, Edible Play Dough for March, and so on.
So what is foam dough?
Glad you asked.

(Just to make things confusing, what we call cornflour in Australia, is called cornstarch in America. And what what we call cornstarch in Australia is called cornflour in America. The one I mean is white and powdery, not yellow and powdery…)

We used a 500g packet of cornflour, but I didn’t measure out the shaving cream. I just kept squirting and squirting and squirting until the mixture looked about right.

I provided JJ with some paper cupcake cups / liners / cases (what are these things called again) and of course she made a birthday cake and told her joke.
Who’s there?
Abbey who?
Abbey birthday cake!
Hilarious. Or at least JJ thinks so.

So she proceeded to make about a hundred.

And a tip from a non-pro? Wash your hands before you pick up your camera to take photos, or risk getting powder all over the $1000 camera lens. Oops.
Enjoy the beautiful sensory mess!
xx Danya
Smart idea doing this one outside. I actually tried this inside with a preschooler and a toddler and let's just say… it never made it to the blog, lol! This does make a fun and interesting substance to play with and it's fun experimenting with it to get the right consistency, but I'd definitely be playing with it outside next time! haha
Yes, outside is definitely the way to go with this one. We made it while Bee was asleep, hence why she doesn't appear until the later photos.
So much fun! I think we have all the ingredients for this too. May be one to try this week! Thanks Danya! P.S. Love the new look. xo P
Lots of fun! And thanks for your lovely compliment. I've just moved from blogger to wordpress this last few weeks, so my 'look' is a work in progress at the moment.
I need to do more sensory play with my kids too, when I see stuff like this I think they're missing out on so much fun! Great activity
We have been doing loads and loads in this past month. Having an outdoor area really helps. JJ's worked out that I have a list of sensory doughs that we're going to try and every day she's been asking for the next one on the list. We've already done up until June.
I figure we may as well do them while she is showing so much interest and while it's summer and lovely to play outdoors.
This looks like fun – but definitely want to try it outside! lol!
My recent post Homemade Puffy Paint (Hands-on Play)