Five Cool Projects on my To Do List (1-5)

There are so many awesome project ideas out there.

Some are in the “amazing” basket – wonderful just to look at and marvel at how they were done.

And some are in the “Wow, I totally reckon I could totally have a stab at that” basket.

I’ve collected so many of these little projects for my To Do list over the years – things I’ve starred, bookmarked, pinned, printed out, dog eared etc. I thought it would be fun to share this list with you! Not all at once of course. How about 5 things a week…

I’m not expecting to ever do them all, as the list is growing faster way than I can create, but I’ll definitely do some of them. Hopefully quite a few of them. And perhaps I’ll inspire you to do some too…

So here’s the first five things on my To-Do list. Enjoy!

5. Colourful Swirly Stud Earrings

Dimensional Earrings by Happy Together

I love these! I’m thinking of making a big batch job in lots of colours – great for gifts! And some for myself of course. Studs are awesome for parents of little ones who value their lobes….

4. Chocolate Sprinkle Spoons

Chocolate Spoons by One Perfect Day

What a great party idea! I’m actually intending to make these in a couple of weeks, so stay tuned for my efforts….

3. Chocolate, Bran & Zucchini Muffins

Chocolate Bran & Zucchini Muffins by Vegie Smugglers

We love snacks that contain vegies. And we love snacks that are high fibre. Combine these two things with chocolate, and it ticks a lot of boxes in the Banya household. I reckon JJ will gobble them up. I might gobble them up too!

2. Baby Mistletoe Feet

Christmas Baby Mistletoe & Holly Craft by

This is another “stay tuned because I’m about to attempt this” idea. The green clay has been ordered and just waiting for the delivery….

1. Big Bow T-Shirt

Big Bow T-Shirt by Make It and Love It

I’ve got a loads of boring T-Shirts in JJ’s and Bee’s drawers that are dying for a little bit of added flair. This looks both do-able and super cute!

So that’s my first five, and I’ll add five more next week. Let me know if you have any suggestions?

(This post is not sponsored. All opinions are my own.)

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