Make your own upcycled fruit and veg fridge magnets. Easiest DIY ever!
Have you been collecting Jamie’s Garden stickers lately? (For international readers these are stickers being given out by one of Australia’s major supermarket chains at the moment.)
You could put your stickers in an album, where chances are you’ll be coerced into collecting more and more so as to fill all the last niggly little spots.
Or… you could make some DIY stickers for your refridgerator door, where the kids can play (and learn) with them over and over again.
And, here’s the best bit, you probably have the key ingredient already. I got the idea from Childhood 101’s post on how to make a DIY Charlie & Lola magnet game. She uses those icky promotional magnets that somehow appear in your mailbox (despite your No Junk Mail sticker), and end up on your refrigerator door. You know the ones – Joe’s 24 hour plumber service, or the 2012 calendar, or the Poison’s Hotline. (Second thoughts, maybe keep the Poisons’s Hotline one…)
Stick the sticker straight on top of the promotional magnets, and then cut off any excess. Then put them on your fridge at child height, and let them discover their new toys.
If your kids are like mine, there’ll be lots of questions about what mint and garlic smells like (those stickers are scratch and sniff ones), or that Jonathan apples are just one of the many varieties of apple, or that rockmelons grow on a vine.
And your fridge will look much prettier minus all those ads!
xx Danya
PS: For another fridge prettifying idea you might like to make a DIY Photo Puzzle, like this one.
You are a genius!
My recent post Helping Kids Negotiate Win Win Solutions.
hahaha thanks Kate
Great ideas, as usual! You are my art teacher, Danya! Thanks for sharing!
Gourmet Getaways
My recent post Salted Caramel Cheesecake -No Bake
Thanks Julie! xx
Ok, that is a really good idea! I have tons of those stickers left over. Cool new fridge magnets here we come! Thanks!
My recent post How to make a Water Wall for kids
Great idea. I have actually got some of those stickers stuck on the fridge itself!
My recent post The aussie pear cookbook.
Haha, bypassing a step! I like it! xx