1. LOVE LOVE LOVE these, Danya!
    My recent post Save the Pie! review … for Pi Day!

    • Danya Banya

      Thanks Laura!!

  2. Lisa

    They are awesome. I made lady bugs out of babybell cheese once. It was healthy and looked awesome. These are such a great idea. Have your put your link to this on PInterest? I think they NEED to be there 🙂

  3. Have a laugh on me

    These are cool, my son actually wanted me to buy some for Kinder lunches but I didn't because they aren't cheap (as you will know) and he eats half and stops! And yes PFFFFT to lots of healthy party food, as long as there is some fruit 🙂


  4. Very cute idea! I just know I would eat all the cheese in the production phase though! Loooooove cheese!
    My recent post An Exclusive Interview With Hi-5, A Celebrity Recipe and A Giveaway!

    • Danya Banya

      Oh I love cheese soo much too. The solution, of course, is to buy double quantities 🙂

  5. Cooker and a Looker

    What a fabulous idea. I'd buy them as a party snack, but I'm too cheap to buy them for school lunches – hi Em! My kids have to settle for a hunk of cheese cut off the block and wrapped in foil!

    Super dooper clever. I bet these go crazy on pinterest! xx
    My recent post how to poach a chicken breast

    • Danya Banya

      Lol, nothing wrong with a big hunk of cheese. I have fond memories of foil in lunch boxes. My mum used to wrap our sandwiches up in foil when I was a kid. 🙂


  6. So, so cute!
    You know, I have this really embarrassing first date story. I was in Japan and because I had never tried Babybel ever I actually started eating the red wax! Ahems. Needless to say, the date did not turn out to be my husband 🙂
    My recent post Pancake Sunday {Peppa Pig Giveaway}

    • Danya Banya

      You're too cute Grace! How did it taste?


  7. Oh that's a super cool idea!!

    • Danya Banya

      Thanks Jess xx

  8. kazatmeltingmoments

    Adorable! Pinning for Dora's Monster's themed bday party 🙂
    My recent post 32 at 32… How did I go?

    • Danya Banya

      Thank you! And are you seriously planning a Monster-themed party for Dora? That was accidentally good timing then. 🙂

      • kazatmeltingmoments

        Ah huh! This Saturday :)Sent from my iPhone

  9. mummywifeme

    I saw these on your FB today! Such a fun idea 🙂


  10. So much fun!!!!!! My daughter loves this cheese. What a fun surprise for her lunch box.


  11. These are great Danya! Saw them and shared on FB 😀
    My recent post A busy intersection

    • Danya Banya

      Thanks Alicia!


  12. What kid wouldn't want to find this in thier lunchbox!! Thank you for linking up to the Thoughful Spot Weekly Blog Hop!

    • Danya Banya

      Thank you for hosting! xx


  13. These are seriously adorable!!!
    My recent post Faux Deviled Eggs for April Fools Day

  14. Danya Banya

    Thanks Erin!

  15. tavette

    Each face is so different & unique – love that! Got to your site via Kitchen Fun with my 3 sons. If the cheese is expensive (???) you could make the faces as the center piece and then have chunks of regular cheese with toothpicks surrounding the center piece. They're just too cute to eat anyway and they come all the way from Austraiia – wow.

    Tavette – S. Florida (hope others will include their location so you can see how far away your creations have reached)

    • Danya Banya

      Thank you, and good suggestion! And I love the idea of including locations in the comments – thanks for popping in from S. Florida!!


  16. These are so stinkin' cute! How creative you are, Danya! Thanks for linking up on Makeovers & Motherhood's Welcome Party Wednesday Link-Up! Definitely pinned as a Fun Kid Food!
    My recent post Glimmering Easter Egg Garland

    • Danya Banya

      Aww thanks!


  17. Sally

    I know a big kid who adores “Babybel” cheese in any form.

    I also like to throw a few in for an ‘on the go’ snacks, the red wax protects the cheese and keeps it firm inside, if it’s hot.


    • I think there’s a few big kid Babybel fans out there!


  18. How do they keep overnight? Place on a dish and Co er with foil? Good idea for kids preschool snack, just not sure if stored overnight would make them dry in those particular areas


    • Good question – I haven’t tried storing them overnight myself as we made ours on the same morning as the party, and they were all gobbled up. I’d try wrapping them individually in plastic wrap or foil and store in the fridge.


  19. Morgan

    Instead of googly eyes, perhaps you could use Wilton candy eyeballs or a similar candy decoration. Or round candies with a black spot from an edible marker to make the eye. Safer for little kids, and edible.


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