Dear Bee,
You’re three months old, which means I can’t call you a newborn any more. Now you are a baby. And you’ve just grown out of your newborn nappies to prove it.
You are full of expressions. Smiling, cooing, laughing and blowing raspberries. It’s delightful.
If I stick out my tongue, you copy me.
If I place something in your mouth, a teether for example, your little mouth chomps up and down, you lick and chomp and really explore it. Dribble pours down your front.
You are batting only sporadically. You seem to be totally aware that you have feet and intentionally try to kick things. But of your hands however, I’m not so sure. You know to suck on your fist, but that’s as far as you’ve really gotten. Once or twice you’ve held on to your Daddy’s fingers and look like you want to bring them to your mouth, but instead end up sucking on the back of your own fist, still clenching Daddy’s fingers. Or you bring the other hand to your mouth and miss the point entirely.
We’ve been really “working” on your tummy time this month, giving you more and more tummy time each day. Initially you really sucked at it, lasting only a few seconds, but gradually, day by day, you’ve gotten better, stronger. I popped you on your tummy at my Mother’s Group, and couldn’t help but feel proud by all the praise you received. Uh oh, 3 months old and you already have a proud mummy.
You’ve *just* started rolling. So far you’ve only rolled four times, so I was super stocked to catch one of these moments in the photos above! All of your rolls so far have been from front, over your right shoulder, to your back. Initially I think they were accidental, but you are looking less startled every time, so perhaps you are starting to get the hang of things…
We’ve been going to your Mothers’ Group once a week, whilst your older sister is at gym class with Grandma. I’m the only second-time mother, as technically it’s supposed to be a first-time mothers’ group. I was only allowed to join after I begged the Early Childhood Centre. It’s been such a treat to have some time dedicated just to you! I really look forward to this time every week, where I get to talk to other mother’s with babies of the same age, find out what successes and struggles they’ve had this week, discuss any successes and struggles I’ve had that week, and feel like I am not going through this process alone. You are so different from your sister. I might be experienced in bringing up JJ, but I’m not yet experienced in bringing up you.
The Early Childhood Centre has also put me in touch with another lady who is also a second-time mums with a little baby around the same age as you. We’ve been catching up once a week. The older kids can play together whilst the mum’s talk babies.
These little babies will grow with you. Will become your friends. You’ll grow up knowing them your whole life.
I love you as much as mother’s need mothers’ groups.