Bubble wrap print Christmas cards for preschoolers

Kid-made bubble-wrap print Christmas cards – a fun process art Christmas activity for little kids.

Kid made Christmas Cards using bubble wrap details ~ Danya Banya

It’s Christmas card making time of year. We’re in the middle of making this years cards, and I’ll share them with you shortly, but in the meantime, I just realised that I haven’t shared these ones that JJ made last year yet!

My daughter JJ (3.5 years old) made these Christmas cards over three days. The first day was all about process-oriented bubble wrap print art. (I highly recommend trying bubble wrap printing, even if you don’t turn them into Christmas cards afterwards. Such a fun activity for preschoolers!)

The first technique JJ tried was painting the bubble wrap with a paintbrush, and then making prints onto paper.

Bubble wrap painting and stamping

Next she tried spooning the paint, smearing it onto the bubble wrap and printing.

Spooning paint and making prints with bubble wrap

Naturally that led to this:

Finger painted bubble wrap prints

And then this. 🙂

Glorious glittery sensory finger painting

Here are all her beautiful artworks, pegged up on our fence to dry.

Bubble wrap printing art for preschoolers

The next day we set about making the cards. We cut out Christmas tree shapes from the bubble wrap prints – JJ initially needed some help with this, but because we weren’t striving for perfection, her confidence increased and she found she could do most by herself.

We folded coloured paper into quarters, and glued the edges shut, to make cards.

Then we glued the Christmas trees (and a few other random decorations) onto the front of the cards.

We had quite a production line happening. Lots of fun fine motor practice!

Cutting and gluing kids artwork for homemade Christmas cards that preschoolers can make ~ Danya Banya

Here they all are, sitting on our outside table to dry.

Homemade Christmas cards that preschoolers can make

I wrote on the cards the following day (as JJ doesn’t have the writing skills yet), and we walked to the mailbox together to mail them.

Easy Christmas cards made by a preschooler ~ Danya Banya

These cards aren’t perfect by any means, but I’m sure our friends and family appreciate the thought and effort that went into making them. Kid-made Christmas cards are the best!


We have lots more fun Christmas activities for kids here, including


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xx Danya

Kid-made bubble wrap print Christmas cards - fun process art Christmas activity for kids

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