And here’s to 2013. Cheers. *clinks glass*

Wow, Christmas came and went in the blink of an eye! And now it’s 2013. How did that happen?

It’s been the good sort of crazy-busy in the Banya household these last few weeks. There was these advent calendar stockings hung…

Christmas advent stocking calendar

Quite a few batches of gingerbread biscuits baked (and eaten).

Christmas tree decorated gingerbread biscuits

Can you tell which one JJ decorated?

Christmas tree decorated gingerbread biscuits

Lots of red and green Christmas gift wrapping paper painted. (Usually the paint goes on the paper…)

JJ painting in green and red

Attending local community Christmas shindigs, with Bee showing off her embellished Christmas outfit.

Danya and Bee in her Christmas tree onesie

Holly on the bottom of Bee's Christmas onesie

Holly on the bottom of baby Bee's onesie with tinsel

Some outings started with all smiles…

JJ and Mr Banya

…and ended in the back of a paddy wagon!

The ONLY picture I want to see of JJ in a paddy wagon

We took a photo with Santa

Santa holding baby Bee in her Mrs Claus outfit

And again. But hang on, doesn’t this Santa looks a bit familiar? But she still wouldn’t sit on his knee!

Mr Banya dressed as Santa with white hairspray on his beard

Mr Banya dressed as Santa, holding baby Bee with JJ standing

JJ was part clown, part Santa’s little helper….

JJ as a clown

JJ the clown

JJ squeezing her mummy's red clown nose

This would have been our Christmas card, if I’d gotten around to getting any printed this year. (Number #1392 on my to-do list…)

Baby Bee inside a Christmas advent calendar stocking, sucking on her fist

Bee was featured in the local newspaper.


We made our own felt Christmas decorations.

Christmas decorations

And got called a Ho my some dude in an aeroplane.


And lots more that I didn’t get a chance to take photos of.

And now that Christmas and New Year’s has been and gone, and we’ve launched off into 2013…

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for reading Danya Banya. It means the world to me. For your support. For your liking and commenting and sharing. For your encouragement and feedback.

Here’s to 2013. Cheers. *clinks glass*

xx Danya

PS: Check out our Christmas Activities for Kids page to see what we’ve been getting up to since then!

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