Thank you!

I’m so pleased to let you know that Danya Banya has been awarded a Circle of Moms Top 25 Australian Moms 2013 Award. (‘Cause they haven’t clued in that we spell it “Mum” over here yet. 🙂

Congratulations to all the Top 25 Winners!

But it’s not the award itself that I’m pleased with. (Well, I am a little pleased with it, but that’s not the point). Rather it’s that so many of you thought enough of me and this little blog to click through and vote. Thank you! Thank you for reading, thank you for vouching for me, thank you for having my back.

And while I’m on the subject of thanks, I have another (belated) thank you to give out. This one goes to Giselle Shardlow of Kids Yoga Stories. Giselle has honoured me with The Sunshine Award, which is a blogger-to-blogger award for blogs that inspire and bring sunshine into people’s lives.

Giselle is an amazing woman. She is a primary school teacher, a traveller, a yogi (yoga instructor), a mum, a self-published author, a Canadian, a mompreneur, a mentor, a blogger and a good friend.
Giselle has written and self-published nine (yes nine!) books introducing young children to yoga and yoga sequencing in a fun and interactive way. I reviewed one of her first books, Sophia’s Jungle Adventure back in October 2012, and Giselle guest posted on Danya Banya with her post 10 Ways To Have Fun And Be Active With Your Toddler earlier this year.
I am honoured to accept this award from Giselle. Here is why she nominated Danya Banya:

“Danya’s inspiration, encouragement, and enthusiasm lifts me up.  I’m grateful for her friendship and love sharing our journeys together.”

As with these awards, there are rules:
1. Thank the blogger who nominated you. Thank you Giselle!
2. Post the award image in your blog. (See above).
3. Tell 7 facts about yourself.
  • I can touch the tip of my nose with my tongue.
  • I know Anne of Green Gables off by heart – it was my “go to” video in my tweens.
  • Thanks to an early birthday present, I am now the owner of a white and pink unicorn adult onesie. JJ thinks it is awesome.
  • I don’t like the flavour of vinegar – so no pickled gerkins for me. But strangely enough I do like salt and vinegar chips…
  • Once, when I was about 10 or so, I nicked a Neighbours magazine from my older brother. I was so dorky that I cut out the pictures and blue tacked them to the wall with labels.
  • Even dorkier, I switched the labels back and forth between actor names and character names. So there were labels for Kylie Minogue, ‘Madge’, Jason Donovan, etc.
  • I tear up whenever I hear Elton John’s Tiny Dancer. I don’t quite know why it has this effect on me, but I love it!

4. Nominate 5-10 other blogs and let them know about their nominations.

Giselle from Kids Yoga Stories
Am I allowed to give the award back? It doesn’t say in the rules that I can’t!). 
Giselle is such a lovely friend. She’s been so supportive of Danya Banya from it’s first conception, and never fails to send through a kind word of encouragement just when I seem to need it most.

Jodi from Mummyhood 101 and Catherine from Cup of Tea and a Blog
Jodi and Catherine are lovely. They are so approachable and down-to-earth, which really flows through in both of their writing styles. I will always remember arriving (with Baby Bee in tow) unfashionably late to a room full of ‘proper bloggers’ at the Digital Parents Conference 2013, and seeing that Jodi and Catherine had saved me a seat. Thank you!

Catherine from Cup of Tea and a Blog and Grace from With Some Grace

Grace from With Some Grace and Jess from Essentially Jess

I’ve been linking up with Grace (almost) every Friday, and Jess (almost) every Tuesday for about a year now. Somehow, through these memes, these two ladies have become the cement that glues the Australian blogging community together. Through Jess and Grace, I’ve ‘met’ so many Australian bloggers that I now ‘know’ and love (themselves included).

Amie from Triple T Mum
When I was first starting out as a blogger and floundering in the process, Amie kindly took my hand. She introduced me to the AKBN (Aussie Kid Blogger Network), which has been an amazing source of encouragement, inspiration and support. Oh and congratulations Amie on being another Circle of Moms Top 25 Australian Moms 2013 Award Winner! 🙂

All the lovely supportive ladies from the AKBN – you know who you are. You make my blogging experience collaborative. You help to inspire and motivate me to be a better blogger. You are my go-to for blogging questions that I’d be too embarrassed to ask elsewhere. And I hope I help you in your blogging experiences in return.

Two of the lovely AKBN ladies, Ness from One Perfect Day and Pauline from Lessons Learnt Journal

Pam from Threading My Way

I haven’t posted very many sewing posts lately – I’m still getting my new sewing nook organised after our move. But when I do get sorted, I know I’ll be popping back over to visit Pam’s blog. When I was relearning how to sew, Pam had loads of great tutorials and upcycling inspiration and kindly featured most of my attempts. I love your ongoing linky party concept Pam.
Thank you all!
xx Danya

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